Tages-Archiv: 6. Juli 2009

6. Juli 2009

Anouncing Bread Baking Day #22: Sweet Breads

breadbakingday22To my great delight Zorra from “1x umrühren bitte” asked me to host this month BreadBakingDay!

Bread Baking Day is a monthly event featuring bread and was created two years and 1 month ago from Zorra. We had a great Pizza-Party last month to celebrate its second birthday. Please visit the mouthwatering round-up on Zorras blog!
I thought long about the theme of this month and at the end I came back to my first thought: Sweet Breads. Although I love a good slice of whole grain bread for lunch or dinner, I prefer sweet bread for breakfast (especially on weekends).
So I would like to meet for a virtual breakfast with you and everyone brings the sweet bread she or he likes. You can bring Challahs, Blatz (a german sweet bread), Croissants, sweet buns … choose whatever you like (as long as it is bread and sweet 😉 ), then bake it and blog about it.
