Daily Archives: 13th November 2010

November 13th, 2010



It is time to use up the last apples of this years apple harvest. Now the remaining apples are at the end of their shelf live, so they start to shrivel now.

I saw apple turnovers at Chili und Ciabatta some days ago and I like the idea to bake some turnovers. But I love turnovers which dough is mellow and flaky. So I decided to use a variaton of the dough of this mushroom quiche. I added some sugar to the dough and reduced the amount of salt, so it fits to a fruit filling.

The filling is a simple one: some Vanilla, sugar and apples, bound with a teaspoon starch.

The turnovers are delicous, the dough is like I liked them and stay fresh at least for two days. It is the dessert for my lunch at work. Continue reading