January 5th, 2014

Ofenschlupfer with Vanilla sauce

OfenschlupferTo blog about todays lunch is not really necessary because I posted the recipe for Ofenschlupfer, the swabian kind of bread pudding, already more then two years ago. But on the other is this my favourite leftover bread recipe and I’m pretty sure that we are not the only ones who are left with more then one or two slices of leftover bread after the holidays. I collected a slice Pandoro and some leftover New years pretzel for this, but old buns are although great for this.

I cut everything into thin slices, put it in a casserole and soaked it with a mixture of milk, egg and sugar. After baking for 45 minutes I had a great meal without a lot of hassle, something that is perfect when I still have to struggle with my lingering cold!


  • 250g stale challah, sandwich bread  or rolls
  • 4 Eggs
  • 600g Milk
  • 40g sugar
  • 1 Pinch Salt


  • 60g sugar
  • cinammon
  • 40g Butter in small pieces

Slice the rolls in thin slices. Butter ovenproof form and lay the slices in the form. Mix eggs with sugar, salt and milk and pour the mixture over the slices. Sprinkle with sugar and top with little butter pieces.

Bake at 175°C for 45 min until the upper layer is golden and the egg is cooked.

Vanilla sauce

  • 300g Milk
  • 5g Starch
  • 1 small Egg
  • pulp of 1/2 Vanilla bean
  • 20g sugar

Mix 2 Tablespoons Milk with the starch and the egg. Bring the remaining Milk with sugar and the pulp of the vanilla bean to boil. Stir in the egg-starch-milk-mixture. Continue stirring until the mixture starts boiling. Remove from the heat and serve immediately.

5 Responses t_on Ofenschlupfer with Vanilla sauce

  1. Gudrun Brosig January 25th, 2020

    Hallo Stefanie,
    kann ich das auch mit altbackenen Körnernbrötchen zubereiten?
    L.G.von Gudrun B.

    1. Stefanie January 26th, 2020

      @Gudrun: Das geht auch, es ist dann halt etwas weniger “fein” – aber das ist ja nicht unbedingt was schlechtes 🙂

  2. Manu January 5th, 2014

    Jetzt kommen Erinnerungen in mir hervor. Dieses leckere schwäbische Gericht habe ich hin und wieder bei meinen Großeltern bekommen. Nur mit einem Unterschied meine Oma hat noch Rosinen hineingestreut.

    1. Stefanie January 6th, 2014

      @Manu: Das hat meine (ebenfalls schwäbische) Oma auch gemacht, aber dann würde der Rosinenverweigerer (aka. mein Liebster) die Ofenschlupfer boykottieren.


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