After to weeks of hibernation in the fridge my little sweet starter longed for fresh flour. To use the leftovers after feeding I decided to mix a dough with a little bit starter and a tiny little bit of fresh yeast and let it rise over night at roomtemperature.
The next morning the dough was very well risen and lively and so I formed some rolls and let them rise for a short time before baking. After one hour I could serve warm rolls for our breakfast.
They flavour was very complex and delicious, and thats convinced me to share the recipe with you, even when it was planed “only” to use up leftovers.
Poppy seed rolls with sweet Starter
ergibt 9 Brötchen
Sweet Starter
40g Sweet Starter
- 40g flour Type 550
- 20g Water
- sweet Starter
- 440g flour Type 550
- 290g Water
- 35g Butter
- 10g Salt
- 2g fresh yeast
- poppy seeds
Knead all ingredients for 5 min on slow speed, then 5 min on fast speed.
Let the dough rise overnight at room temperature (depending on the room temperature: 8-12 hours). The dough should at least double its volume.
The next morning divide the dough into pieces of 80g each. Shape them to oval rolls. Allow them to relax for about 15min, press them down gently. Now roll them first on a wet towel to wet their surface, then in poppy seeds.Cut them lengthwise very deeply, about 3/4 through the roll. Lay the cut together once again and turn the rolls on the cut.
Proof for 35 min.
Preheat the oven to 250°C.
Turn the rolls, so that the cut side face upside once again, and place them on a paper lined baking tray. Mist with water and bake with steam for about 20 min at 250°C. For really crisp rolls turn to convection mode during the last 5 min.
Herzlichen Dank für die superschnelle Antwort!
Hallo Stefanie,
Kann ich die Brötchen auch komplett ohne Hefe und nur mit dem süßen Starter backen? Muss ich dabei am Rezept was ändern oder einfach nur die Hefe weglassen? Ich bin zur Zeit so begeistert vom süßen Starter :-)…
Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße
@Franzie: Du kannst die Hefe auch weglassen, das war nur die “Sicherheitsleine”. Der Teig sollte sich vor dem Weiterverarbeiten verdoppelt haben. Eventuell brauchen die Brötchen in der Stückgare auch etwas länger (45-60 min).
wann kommt denn der Mohn auf die Brötchen?
@Monika: Ups, danke fürs aufmerksame Lesen.Das Rezept wird gleich korrigiert. Der Mohn kommt nach dem Formen und vor dem Einschneiden auf das Brötchen.