Daily Archives: 28th October 2015

October 28th, 2015

Walnut Bread

WalnussbrotBeside apples walnuts are another autumn favourite of mine. And beautiful autumn days with blue sky, colourful trees and rustling leaves on the ground make me wish for a bread with nuts. The bread I baked is another sibling of the Wheat Bread 80/20 and the Göppinger Bread. This time I baked it with only sourdough and with walnuts, of course. The bread is as flavourful and delicious as his older brothers  with its crisp crust and tender crumb and the nutty walnuts bits. For a good oven spring it is important to have a active sourdough thus I made the sourdough in two stages, the first stage short and warm to increase the number of wild yeast in it while the second stage is for flavour development.

If you prefer a milder bread, you could make a wheat sourdough as well and use the rye flour in the dough. It is a lot of fun to tweak this recipe by just changing little details like the sourdough handling in order to archive a completely new bread. So maybe this will not the last bread basing on this recipe …


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