December 18th, 2011

Orange flavoured Hot Chocolate Mix

Orangentrinkschokolade A homemade Hot Chocolate Mix is a simple but delicious little Christmas gift. In the cookbook “Süße Geschenke aus der Küche: Leckereien backen und verpacken” I found not only nice recipes like a Hot Chocolate Mix flavoured with cinnamon and cardamom but also great Ideas for beautiful decorated glasses, bags and boxes. After I prepared the “normal” Hot Chocolate Mix, which I liked very much, too, I started to experiment with the recipe to create a orange flavoured mix.

I had this idea because some of my colleagues like an orange flavoured cacao from Quai Sud very much to flavour their coffee with it. But this cacao is expensive and hard to get. So I thought a homemade hot chocolate mix would be a great Christmas gift for them.

The best way to get the orange flavour into the chocolate mix is to grated a lot of orange peel, dry it in the oven and ground it together with sugar in a food processor.

I like the taste of the orange flavoured hot chocolate mix very much – I hope that my colleagues like them, too.

Orange flavoured Hot Chocolate Mix

  • 80g sugar
  • Peels of 5 Orange
  • 100g cacao
  • 200g Chocolate

Grate the orange peel and dry the peel in the oven for 3 hours at 50°C. Place dried Orange peel with sugar and mix it in the food processor to a fine powder. Add the remaining ingredients and mix until a fine powder. If the mixture starts to lump let it dry over night and mix at the moment again.

For a cup of Hot Chocolate boil 250ml Milk add 2 teaspoons Hot Chocolate Mix. Let the mixture stand for 1 min then stir until dissolved.

2 Responses t_on Orange flavoured Hot Chocolate Mix

  1. Chaosqueen December 26th, 2011

    Das Rezept klingt wie für mich gemacht!
    Ich liebe die Kombination aus Schokolade und Orange schon seit meiner Kindheit.

    Ich werde gleich morgen losziehen und die für das Rezept fehlenden drei Bio-Orangen kaufen, der Rest ist da.


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