Category Archives: Bread

January 13th, 2010

Bread with Nuts

NussbrotAfter all the sweet breads, stollen and cookies during holiday season I need now a bread with lots of whole wheat and healthy ingredients. When I take a look at my pantry I found a lot of leftover nuts from Christmas baking. In my fridge I found an open pot of yoghurt so I decided to use it up, too.

The bread I bake with this ingredients is hearty and healthy and very delicious. Continue reading

January 6th, 2010

New Year’s Pretzel

DSC_1265Every year I bake a New year’s pretzel at 31. December which we eat on new year’s morning. This year we came back late in the night of 30. December, so I was to tired to prepare a pâte fermentée for this recipe. So I decided to create a recipe similar to the weckmann recipe using water roux. Water roux makes the bread soft and fluffy and enhances shelf life.

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December 26th, 2009



I tasted Pandoro three years ago when a colleague brought some after visiting her parents in Italy. I fell in love with this rich bread with the feather light crumb immediately. After some Internet search I found a Pandoro recipe from the Simili sisters on Chili und Ciabatta . Its a great recipe I made many times since this day. It is a time consuming recipe but the result is worth every second you spend in kitchen.

And the I saw a sourdough pandoro on Wild Yeast and I knew that this is the bread I have to bake for Christmas.

This pandoro is made with a sweet starter, a sourdough that is feed more frequently for two days to enhance yeast growth. My lovely boyfriend had to do babysitting my sourdough and feed it every four hours while I was working. He did a great job and the starter was vigorous rising after every feeding. On the 23. December I did the dough and the bread rose overnight. My pandoro need about 18 hours to reach the top of the pan and I let it rise the last 4 hours on 30°C! Continue reading

December 26th, 2009

Sweet Starter

Süßer Starter Michael Suas recommend in “advanced bread and pastry” to create a sweet starter to bake sweet bread like Panettone or Pandoro. Due to rising this starter on high temperature and many feedings, the growth of wild yeast is encourage as wells as the growth of homfermenting lactobacilli while bacteria producing acetic acid are inhibited by the high temperature. This produce a very vigorous but jet very mild tasting sourdough.

We need this very vigorous starter because the high amount of sugar and butter in the dough of Pandoro or Panettone inhibits the growth of yeast.

To keep the starter on a constant temperature I placed it in my microwave and turn the light on (just the light, not the microwave!). The light bulb produce enough warmth to heat the microwave to 30°C what is perfect for the starter. Continue reading

December 20th, 2009

Hamburger rolls


Sometimes we like to have some “Fast Food”. But because we did fries, burger and rolls by our own, our “fast food” is not fast at all.

Especially because I bake the hamburger rolls with sourdough and poolish. That gives some flavour to the bread and creates a very thin crust.

That is good for people like me who do not like soft rolls with their (vegetarian) burger. Continue reading

November 19th, 2009

Curdbread with Wheat, Spelt and Millet

QuarkbrotIDania from El Aroma de Idania choose a wonderful theme for Bread Baking Day: “Mixed Bread” – Baking bread with two or more different flours. That’s my theme for sure because I love to use different kinds of grains in breads. So it was easy for me to develop  a recipe using wheat flour, spelt flour and millet flour. I never used milled before so Bread Baking Day seemed to be a great change to bake a bread with it. Because millet has no gluten I use a small amount millet and added spelt and white wheat flour to the dough, too. Because I was thinking of a light and tasty bread with a soft crumb I added also some curd and toasted seeds.

The bread turned out fine: It has a nice crumb under a thin crust, filled with the flavours of toasted seeds. I need just some butter and fleur de sel with this bread to underline its flavour and nothing else. Continue reading

November 15th, 2009

Challah (lactose free)

challah laktosefrei (2)Wenn I bake a sweet Zopf for breakfast on sunday, I use normally milk in the dough. But these weekend I needed a dairy free bread, so I had to modify my recipe. I use these Challah recipe and replace milk and butter with water and oil and increase the amount of egg while I degrease the sugar amount.

The dough was soft but very easy to work with, so making a six stranded braid was easy. Braiding a six strand gets easier every time I do it. I still have to murmur the direction to me (second one left to the far right, left to the middle …) but I am getting faster. Continue reading

October 22nd, 2009

Multigrain Bread with soaked oat grains

Dreikornbrot (2)

The last breads I bake had all a nicely soft crumb but for the next bread I longed for something hearty. So I wake my sourdough and bake a bread with wheat flour, spelt flour and oat grains.  I soaked the oat grains overnight so they get soft but not to soft.

The bread had nice very nice taste, but I overproof it a little bit, so it loose its form a little bit. It does not have an influence on the taste but I am a little bit disapoint because it looks not so nice. Continue reading

October 16th, 2009

Joghurt-Honig-Vollkornbrot mit Pâte fermentée

Joghurt-Honig Brot mit VorteigZorra von 1x umrühren bitte hat zum 4ten Mal zur Teilnahme am World Bread Day aufgerufen. Dem komme ich natürlich nur zu gerne nach. Jeder, der am 16.10.09 ein Brot bäckt und verbloggt oder auch über ein gekauftes Brot einen Post schreibt, kann daran teilnehmen. Man muß nur bis zum 17.10. seinen Beitrag über das Formula auf Zorras Seite anmelden.

Mein Brot für den World Bread Day ist im Grunde kein neues Rezept. In ähnlicher Form habe ich es hier mit Buttermilch und hier mit Joghurt gebacken. Aber diese Variante mit Pâte fermentée gefällt mir am Besten. Es ist so wunderbar locker geworden, dass man nie denken würde, dass es sich hierbei um ein Vollkornbrot handelt! Durch den etwas höheren Buttergehalt eignet es sich auch sehr gut als Toastbrot, doch ich esse es lieber ungetoastet entweder zum Frühstück mit Honig oder mit Salat und Käse als Sandwich. Continue reading

October 6th, 2009

Pumpkin Bread

KürbisbrotAutumn means to me: red leaves, apple scent and orange pumpkins. So what is a better bread for autumn then a pumpkin bread?

The basis for this bread was a recipe for simple bread with poolish, I just replace the water with pumpkin puree. My pumpkin puree contains some water, so I get a soft dough and did not need do add some water.

The bread turned out nice, with a nice orange crumb and a slight taste of pumpkin. But the next time I would add some pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil to enhance the flavor. Continue reading