Category Archives: Bread

September 25th, 2009

Whole wheat potato bread

Kartoffel-Vollkornbrot I am back from my holidays and I am back in the chaos. The lab I am working in is moving into a new building and after two years of postponeing the university preponed it now. So instead of having a whole week to pack my stuff in lab only the weekend was left. When we came back I go dirctly to the lab. I was so relived that I sorted everything in advance!

The moving itself was very exhausting and I was to tired to write something in my blog or even to read other blogs. But the main part is now done and today I have a day off because we have a security inspection. We Ph.d. students should stay away because the less persons are around the less mistakes can be done (like entering a lab without labcoat).

So I have time for answering comments, reading other blogs, writing new posts and enjoying Susans weekly Yeastspotting. Of course I bake a little bit, too. A soft whole wheat potato bread! Continue reading

September 10th, 2009

Almond Cinnamon Swirl Bread

Mandel Zimt BrotSince last BBD I have a lot sweet breads on my toDo list. Especially raisin cinnamon breads are on top of the list. But raisins are a minor problem here. My boyfrind is sure that raisins are murdered grapes. He always tells me that it is better to eat them fresh. 🙂

So I decided to replace raisins with almonds. The recipe was inspiered by Steve and Sara.

The Bread taste so good! And when I toast it the whole kitchen is filled with cinnamon fragrance. Continue reading

August 31st, 2009

Seeded Mini-Batards

KornstangeSometimes I create a recipe while checking the leftovers in my fridge. This time I found some buttermilk, I had use in very near future. So I thought: well, I have a poolish ready to bake, so why do not make some bread with buttermilk and honey and maybe some whole wheat.

I wrote down the recipe befor I started baking, so I don’t forget what I did and so I can share my recipe for seeded mini-batards.

They are like a good whole wheat roll should be,having a soft crump under a crispy thin crust, covered with flaxseeds, poppy seeds and sesame. Continue reading

August 5th, 2009

Sunflowerseed curd cheese bread


I planed to bake Bäcker Süpkes Pumpkinseedbread last weekend, but when I take out the pumpkinseed tin there was nearly no pumpkinseeds left. I think I know the person how eat the seeds (it is not so hard to guess in a two person household :-D). Because it was sunday, I had no change to get new pumpkin seeds.

Luckily I had enough sunflower seeds, so I bake a sunflower seed bread instead. I increased both the amount of sunflowerseeds and of sesame and left out the nutmeg (well, I forget it, to be honest) and use only wheat and no spelt.

At the end it is now a Sunflowerseed-curd cheese-bread inspired by Bäcker Süpke instead of his Pumpkinseed bread.

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July 27th, 2009

BBD#22: Streuselblatz mit Haselnüssen

100_8702 Als Blatz bezeichnet man im Rheinland süßes Hefebrot. In Kölner Bäckereien findet man leckere Variationen mit Rosinen, Haselnüssen oder eingebackenen Zuckerstücken, die im Teig schmelzen, zur Weihnachtszeit auch mit Orangat und Zitronat. Besonders köstlich ist aber der Streuselblatz der Bäckerei Schmitz & Nittenwilm, den ich mir, als ich noch an der Kölner Stadtgrenze wohnte, immer geholt habe. Leider gehörte er immer zu den Spezial-Angeboten, die nur selten, ein oder zwei Mal im Jahr für kurze Zeit im Angebot waren, so dass man nie wußte, wann es diese Köstlichkeit das nächste Mal gibt.

Und hier im Oberbergischen haben wir zwar einen Bäcker, der sich auf sehr guten Mohn-Streusel-Kuchen versteht, aber auf meinen Streuselblatz muss ich verzichten.

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July 20th, 2009

Flax seeds bread

Leinsamenbrot (2)My sourdough slumbered for some time in my fridge so it was time to reactivate it and bake something with it. My last breads were simple ones without any seeds. So i decided to bake a flaxseed bread with sourdough and pâte fermentée. The pâte fermentée gives the bread a mild taste, what is better for me because sour bread makes my stomach aches.

I did not found a recipe for such a bread so I had to create a recipe of my own. The resulting breads was very tasty,  moist with hint of nuts. We take one of the three breads to my boyfrinds parents for barbeque, and it was eaten completely 😀 Continue reading

July 5th, 2009

Farmer rolls

It is really hot at the moment, so I do not want to spend more time next to a hot oven then necessary. But on the other hand I want to have freshly baked bread for the next week. So what to do? Baking only once this weekend, but then a great amount.

To keep the overview over the diffrent recipes I created a schedule on which I marked all fermenting, proofing and baking times. It helps me in the lab on stressful days and it helps in the kitchen also. Continue reading

June 21st, 2009

Yoghurt and Honey 100% whole grain Bread

Like always I found on this weeks Yeastspotting a lot of breads I want to try. Especially the JMonkey’s Buttermilk and Honey Whole-Wheat Sandwich Bread from Toxo bread went on top of my toDo list. It sounds perfect for me: 100% whole grain and honey. Because I had some yoghurt in the fridge, that need to be used, I followed toxobread and mixed yoghurt with milk and used it instead of buttermilk.

The recipe yields a very delicious fluffy and moist bread, with a decent hint of acid from yoghurt balanced with sweet honey. The honey I used is a mild creamy summerflower honey and I get it from my boyfrinds granddad, who is beekeeper. Continue reading

June 18th, 2009

Light Wheat Berry Bread

Today I worked just half of the day because around lunchtime the plumber should have a look at our bathtub.  While he was searching for leak I used the time to refill our empty breadbox. I choose the recipe for the bread already yesterday evening at Chili und Ciabatta: Light Bread with Wheatberries.

I changed the recipe a little bit, I reduced the yeast amount and instead of normal wheat I used Ebly (tender wheat). I like Ebly very much, because it needs just 15 min untill cooked. Perfect if I have not much time to cook.

The recipe is easy to do and the resulting bread is fluffy but has a distinct bite from the wheatberries.

And the plumber find the leak, too: the soap dish in the tub was not water-proof sealed! If tomorow everything is dry, too, then everything is finde 🙂 Continue reading