Category Archives: Rolls

December 20th, 2009

Hamburger rolls


Sometimes we like to have some “Fast Food”. But because we did fries, burger and rolls by our own, our “fast food” is not fast at all.

Especially because I bake the hamburger rolls with sourdough and poolish. That gives some flavour to the bread and creates a very thin crust.

That is good for people like me who do not like soft rolls with their (vegetarian) burger. Continue reading

November 9th, 2009


WeckmannThis post is a special one for me, because it is post Number 100  and because I write my first post 1 year ago. How time flies!

But back to my topic: Weckmann. Sarah already asked me for a recipe here.

Weckmann comes from the words Weckchen (that are sweet rolls in rhineland) and  Mann (man), so it means sweet roll man.

On 11. November, the day of Saint Martin, children goes through the streets in a latern procession, singing songs about the saint. Afterwards every child gets a weckmann.

Because weckmänner have a very fluffy and soft crumb I decided to use water roux. It is a mixture that contains of 1 part flour and 5 parts water and which is heated to 65°C. It cause the starch to gelatinization, so it binds more water, which make the bread softer and fluffier and enhanced the shelf life.

It works very fine with my weckmänner Continue reading

November 5th, 2009


JoghurtbrötchenI like yoghurt in bread very much, as I told before. Yoghurt gives a hint of sourly taste to the bread and elongates the shelf live. So when I saw the recipe for yoghurt rolls at Bäcker Süpkes Blog I know that I had to try them.

Not only I bake the rolls: I found them in  Deichrunner’s Küche,at Chili und Ciabatta and  Bao/Bread. But while the other bakers bake the recipe like it was written, I have to confess two changes: I reduce the amount of yeast and replace the rye with wheat.

The rolls turned out very fine: fluffy with a nice crust and a delicious taste. The perfect roll for breakfast on Sunday. Continue reading

September 4th, 2009

Kaiser rolls with Pâte fermentée

KaiserbrötchenMy family loves baking, and Sarah, the best friend of my little sister, loves it, too. So our last Mother-Children-Friends-Day had a motto: Bread baking. We bake pretzels and Kaiser rolls. Baking in a group is so much fun!

I found a recipe for Kaiser rolls some time ago at, and bake and blog about it, but I was never really satisfied with the taste. I missed the complex flavors that the diffrent types of preferments give to a bread.

So I create my own recipe for Kaiser rolls: with pâte fermentée, less yeast and more time. And that improves the flavor so much! Continue reading

August 31st, 2009

Seeded Mini-Batards

KornstangeSometimes I create a recipe while checking the leftovers in my fridge. This time I found some buttermilk, I had use in very near future. So I thought: well, I have a poolish ready to bake, so why do not make some bread with buttermilk and honey and maybe some whole wheat.

I wrote down the recipe befor I started baking, so I don’t forget what I did and so I can share my recipe for seeded mini-batards.

They are like a good whole wheat roll should be,having a soft crump under a crispy thin crust, covered with flaxseeds, poppy seeds and sesame. Continue reading

August 17th, 2009

BBD#23: Pretzels

BretzelnNick of IMAfoodblog choosed a simple – but also difficult- theme for Bread Baking Day : “Something You’ve Never Made Before.” It is a simple theme because there are a lot of recipes I altways want to try – the difficult part was to pick one recipe.

After some musing I decided to try pretzels. Real pretzels made with real caustic lye of soda like the pretzels my grandparents always brought after visiting relatives in swabia. This pretzels are my standard with which I compare every pretzel.

I do some Internet research for a recipe, but at the end I decided to use the recipe in Michael Suas “Advanced Bread and Pastry”. The recipe use poolish, what it is not original for sure, but none of the recipes in the book I tried untill now failed. The only thing I miss in the recipe was how long I should place the pretzels in the lye. Continue reading

August 16th, 2009

Baking course for Katrin: Part 1 – simple Rolls

BrötchenBread baking is something very infectious. After reading my blog for some time my little sister started to bake bread, too.

But then she send me following email:

“After kneading 8 min, my cheap mixer starts making weird sounds. I fear it will explode! I am just want to tell you that I am afraid of explosions!”

And as a loving sister I did not want to risk her life by exlpoding mxers! So here a recipe you can knead easyly knead by hand (I tested it) and that do not need special baking equiments. Continue reading

July 5th, 2009

Farmer rolls

It is really hot at the moment, so I do not want to spend more time next to a hot oven then necessary. But on the other hand I want to have freshly baked bread for the next week. So what to do? Baking only once this weekend, but then a great amount.

To keep the overview over the diffrent recipes I created a schedule on which I marked all fermenting, proofing and baking times. It helps me in the lab on stressful days and it helps in the kitchen also. Continue reading

June 29th, 2009

Rolls with Poolish

I like bread recipes, in which the dough fermented in the fridge overnight. The bread developes then a aromatic taste and it is easy to have freshly baked bread for breakfeast. The hard roll recipe from Gerd was on top of my to Do list because it use poolish and cold fermentation, both good methods to gain a good taste.

My plan was to have fresh baked rolls for saturday breakfast. So I prepared the poolish on friday morning, knead the dough on friday evening, and formed and baked the rolls on saturday morning. I changed just one thing: I replaced the rye flour, because I have an intolerance against rye.

The rolls had an exellent taste and a nice crust, but they were not as fluffy as I like rolls. I prefer Ceriolas, But I think I will use this methode for my Baguettes. Continue reading

May 27th, 2009


When I get my new copy of Bertinets “Crust” I discovered immediately the recipe for Bagels. It was one of the first recipes I had to try.

Since this time I baked bagels often, because we both like them very much and they are fast and easy to make. But in the last weeks I baked so much new recipes, that I neglected this recipe a little bit. So my boyfrind asked me this weekend, if I could make bagels again. Of course I could!

The dough is a very stiff one, so that the machine had to work very hard, but the good thing is, that you can work with the dough without sticking.

Another nice thing about bagels is, that you can refridgerate the formed bagels over night, at the next morning you just has to boil and to bake them, so you get fresh bagels for breakfeast without alot of work. Continue reading