Category Archives: This and That

April 18th, 2014

Dyeing Easter Eggs

Ostereier färben (1)

To dye easter eggs with different natural dyes is always great fun for me. This year I had the idea to use plant juices instead of the time consuming boiling and filtering of plant extracts I used until now.  Since I call an old juice centrifuge my own I bought some red cabbage ad red beet. That the red beet would yield a fair amount of juice I knew, but what would happen with the red cabbage? To my great joy the yield of cabbage juice was amazingly  high, too.

I mixed the cabbage juice with baking soda  or vinegar and let the hard boiled eggs sit in the solutions for some hours.  When I take the eggs from the soution, the red beet juice has dyed them in deep red, while the cabbage juice with soda yielded green eggs. The eggs from the red cabbage juice with pink when I take them out but turned brightly blue during drying. I dipped one of the blue eggs shortly in the red beet juice and so I get a dusky pink egg as well.

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November 9th, 2013

5 Years“Hefe und mehr”– Blog-Event and a Sneak Preview

BlogeventIt is time to celebrate! My “Baby” turns five today! Because I missed the blog birthday last year, this year it was marked red in my calendar!

Five years! Did I expect to be still blogging when I started “Hefe und mehr” 5 years ago? I don’t know but times keeps flying. When I look back I see that I baked 147 different Breads, 85 rolls and 108 different cakes, cookies and pastry. Not to mention 57 other recipes which fit in neither of the other categories. In the beginning I baked mostly recipes I found in books and other blogs, but soon I started creating my own recipes. And when I look back I realize how much I learned about baking and taking photos in the last years. The most exiting thing that happened until now was the Adventskalender I wrote for the Kaufmann-Verlag!

To celebrate the blog birthday I decided to start a small Blogevent! The theme is simple: Bake your favourite bread until 30. November 2013 and blog about it. No post from the archive, please! If you all ready posted your favourite bread, bake it again (maybe with some twist) and write a new post about it. Readers without blog are very welcome, too: I need the picture from the bread and the source (book, website, whatever) from you. For Participants with a postal Adresse in the European Union or Swiss I will give away 1x Adventskalender and 2x a Breadbakingbook (that’s the sneak)!


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February 12th, 2013

Spent Grain Flour

TrebermehlIf you, like me, do not like to waste food, then you too has to think sometimes about recipes to use leftovers or byproducts. Such a byproduct is the spent grain, a leftover from our homebrewing. I added a part of it directly to a bread and dried the remaining spent grain overnight in the oven. I found this great idea on this site.

During the night a delicious malt odour filled our flat and spent grain was compeltely dry. Milling with my home mill was easy. I got a slightly coarse flour with a slightly sweet malt taste. Its taste reminds me strongly of roasted grain “coffee”. I think it will make a great substitution for bread and rolls or whole grain cookies or even for the dough of a quiche. And beeing figh fibere (50%) and high protein (23%) makes it a healthy substitution, too.

Another interesting point for me is the fact that 1.5 kg malt yields only 500g Spent Grain Flour. That means that about 1 kg starch is converted to sugar during the mashing process. Now that it does not amaze me any longer that the wurt was so sticky.

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December 31st, 2012

Best of 2012


It’s already the last day of the year. And what a eventful year it was for me! It seems like yeasterday when I hurried through the lab to finish the last experiments of my Ph.d. thesis. And the time between writing the thesis, handing it in and defending it seeems to fly in one wink. I never worked harder during a year and I’m happy that I still managed to share my kitchen adventures with you.

And for my traditional Best of the year I choose twelve recipes which I liked most this year. It was again a hard choice.

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December 24th, 2012

Merry Christmas

Frohe Weihnachten

Today the day was a little bit more chaotic then planed. The boyfriend had to head to Bonn to rescue his sister, who had problems with the car, while I take care of the last Christmas preparations. And so I have to postpone my planed post for a Bread-Christmas tree to tomorrow.

And so I would like to wish you shortly, but deep from my heart: Merry Christmas, dear readers!

December 31st, 2011

Best of 2011

Best of 2011

The year 2011 is already nearly gone. I still wonder how fast time flied this year. The last year brought many good things, some sad ones and always a lot of baking. And while I am sitting here and try to remember all the things that happened to me, let me share my favourite recipes of the past 12 month with you.Let us start in the upper left corner of the collage.

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December 24th, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry ChristmasBecause we will have no snow this year to Christmas, I want to whish all my readers “Happy Christmas” with a Snow-Picture I took last christmas. I hope you have a peaceful christmas!