Tag Archives: only with yeast

October 4th, 2010



Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel.

We nearly finished our scholarly paper and will submit it middle of this week. 🙂

I have to survive a two day long meeting and then my well-deserved vacation will start.

The last days I spent more 12 hours or more in the Lab to get the last missing data for the Paper. I shocked our cleaning lady regularly when I entered the building at 6.50 am. She does not expect somebody saying “Good Morning” to her at this time of the day.

Because I spent so much time in lab there was nearly no time for cooking or baking. But I still get delicious dinners because the boyfriend take care of cooking. One evening, when I was still in the train station on my way home, I told him what he would need for an onion tart and he prepared the dough. When I came home the dough had risen finely and we prepared the filling together.

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September 25th, 2010

Potato rolls

Kartoffelbrötchen I love bread with potatos, a love I share with Zorra form 1x umrühren bitte. Last year I baked three diffrent breads with potatos:

Kartoffel-Bagel-Stars, whole wheat potato bread and Bauernbrötchen after a recipe of Bäcker Süpke. But this year I did not bake a potato bread untill now.

The inspriation for my potato rolls are the potato rolls which one of colleagues likes to buy for breakfast or lunch break. The bakery which made this rolls closed last week because to many students like to buy their bread in the terrible self-service “bakery” next door. So I tried to recreate the rolls.

I used a mixture of whole wheat and all-purpose flour and made square rolls.

The square shape is easy to create: I flatten the dough and cut it in squares with a dough scraper.

I serve this delicious rolls like this mushroom quiche at my birthday brunch. Continue reading

September 20th, 2010

Rheinischer Apfelkuchen – Riemchenkuchen

Rheinischer Apfelkuchen (2)

This year is a good year for apples. The old apple tree in my parents garden nearly collapses under the weight of the fruits. So we started this Saturday to harvest. We stopped after we harvest everything we could reach with our hands or with the fruit picker. This yielded about 50 kg of fruits and there are still lots of apples on the higher branches (I would guess that there is still 100kg fruits on the tree).

We take about 12 Kilograms apples home and preserve them today in weck glasses, made chutney and apple sauce. Some of the apple sauce were used as filling in one of my favorite cakes: Rheinischer Apfelkuchen, often called Riemchenkuchen, too. The word Riemchen means little lace and refers to the lattice on top of the cake which is formed by dough stripes. It is a local speciality typical for cologne.

And what will we do with the remaining apples? Because the apple is perfect for cooking but can not be stored for more then some weeks, we will bring them to a local cider mill, where we are paid with apple juice for our apples.

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September 5th, 2010

Vanilla Cardamom Fans

Vanille Kardamon FächerLast Sunday we visit my sister in the new house. Because “it’s always good to have some pastry during renovation” (that’s what my sister told me early on the phone) I decided to bring something sweet.

I was longing for something fluffy yeasted pastry. So I thought first of my favourite braid filled with nuts. But then I remembered that my parents would join us, too and my mum suffers of lactose and fructose intolerance. So the braid was out of question, we need something without milk and nuts.

So I started to think: What happened when I just leave out the nuts? Then I would end up with dried breadcrumbs as filling. Hmmm. Bread crumb as filling sounded a little bit strange. But on the other hand we eat noodles with sugar and bread crumbs as children, and we liked it. So I give the idea a try and the filling worked out just fine.

Seasoned with Cardamom and Vanilla nobody missed the nuts. And its a good way to used up dried breadcrumbs. Continue reading

August 7th, 2010


PizzaschneckenIt seems like the hot summer is already gone but the weather is still good enough for day trips.

For Hiking or as a snack for work I like to bake pizza rolls very much. This time I tried a new variation and baked Pizza swirls.

For the filling I decided to take a mixture of sour cream, grated cheese, dried tomatoes and Kalamon olives.

The sour cream make the filling creamy and the kalamon olives add so much flavour to the swirls.

I am addicted to kalamon olives. They have a deep purple colour and they have a strong aromatic taste because they are harvested when they are ripe. There is no need to colour this olives.

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July 31st, 2010

Spelt and Seeds rolls


The last weeks were very exhausting. My work in the lab is very time consuming at the moment and it seems that it stays like this until middle of September. That’s why I posted not very frequently in the last time and I am afraid that I will not post regulary until the most important experiments are done.

The Spelt and Seeds roll I baked on saturday last week. The Idea for this recipe came to me when I thought about what to do with left over boiled spelt grains. I decided to use them in a dough for rolls. I added a soaker with rolled oats and flax seeds. This made the rolls soft and hearty.

The combination of whole wheat flour, white spelt flour, spelt grains and flaxseeds is perfect for a delicious sandwich for lunch break.

For this week I am to late for Yeastspotting, so I send it for next weeks edition of Susans weekly showcase of yeastbaked goods.

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July 18th, 2010

Pane Pugliese – BBD#32

Pane Pugliese

Apa269 of Family & Food & other Things choose for Bread Baking Day # 32  the theme “Italian Breads” . Thats a perfect choice for me because it is really hot at the moment and at hot summer days I prefere light breads like Ciabatta oder Pane Francese instead of my normal whole wheat breads.

At our last trip to Metro, a wholesale, I bought a kilogram of durum flour. So I decided to try Pane Pugliese.

But despite the high hydration and the three stretch and fold cycles the crumb was rather dense and not so wide open as I wished it to be. But the crumb was nicely soft and it tasted delicious so I was satisfied. The durum flour gaves a nice yellowish colour to the crumb.

We used a part of the bread for Bruscetta and it was perfect for this.

I submit this bread to Susans Yeastspotting, too.

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July 8th, 2010

Chocolate swirl bread

Schokowirbel Brot

At Happy Home Baker, the source for the in german blogs so famous hokkaido milk bread, I found this beautiful bread with a zebra pattern.

I baked it already two weeks ago but having a busy time in lab (again) I had no time to post it. I hope I post it now in time for yeastspotting.

The bread has the same wonderful soft crumb as his famous cousin hokkaido milkbread. To achive a cotton soft structure I used water roux. Water roux is a mixture that contains of 1 part flour and 5 parts water and which is heated to 65°C. It cause the starch to gelatinization, so it binds more water, which make the bread softer and fluffier and enhanced the shelf life.

The bread is very delicious with a bittersweet chocolate taste. It tastes delicious on his own but with a slightly sour marmalade like red currant it tastes even better.

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June 27th, 2010



Reading Yeastspotting always gives me inspirations and recipes which I have to try instantly. When I saw Natashyas Korni I was lost at the same Moment. It looks delicious and I fell in love with the name. And when I read the recipe I meet my favourites flaxseeds and millet. There was roasted soy beans in the list, too. And that was perfect because I bough some soy beans some time ago to make some breads with it.

But before I rushed in the kitchen to start baking, I had to make some adjustments in the recipe (like I always do ;-))

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June 12th, 2010

Mandelstuten – sweet almond bread for BBD#31

MandelstutenLast Weekend I saw a Mandelstuten – a sweet bread with almonds – at our local baker. But while I love to eat breakfast in the Café that belongs to the bakery, I nearly never buy bread there. I prefer to bake it at my own. But I make for my own: Bake Mandelstuten! And when I read the anouncement for 31. Bread baking day it felt as if Zorra from 1x umrühren bitte read my mind. The Theme she choose for the 3rd anniversary is Bread with nuts. Isn’t this perfect?

When I tried to decide which dough I should use as a basic for the Mandelstuten Paules post reminds me of the Hokkaido Milk Bread. This recipe use cream instead of oil or butter and I liked the idea to create a dough similar to the Milk bread. I included a preferment and add more cream to the dough and removed milk powder from the formula. And because the Mandelstuten at the bakery was braided and then baked in a bread pan so I braided my bread, too.

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