Tag Archives: only with yeast

May 24th, 2010

Burger Pretzels – Bread Baking Day #30

Burger Bretzeln

Bread Baking Day’s Topic is “Breads with a Twist” and its hostess is Natashya form Living in the kitchen with puppies. While still thinking about a recipe I saw a show on TV where they explained how to make “Burger pretzels”. This is a local speciality which is selled mostly around the castle Schloss Burg and which is part of the “Bergische Kaffeetafel”. This is a tradition similar to afternoon tea in Greatbritain. The “Bergische Kaffeetafel” is served with Coffee from the Dröppelminna, the dark rye Schwarzbrot, sweet white bread called Stuten or Platz, heartshaped waffles, rice pudding with sugar and cinnamon, Burger pretzels, curd, sugar beet molasses, cheese and bacon.

This preztels have not the typical form of a pretzel we know from South Germany but its ends are twisted for four times.

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May 22nd, 2010



The oven was broken this week (he is repaired now, but I will tell about this later) but luckily we own the small pizza oven Alfredo and could bake our Dinnete!

Dinnete is the swabian variation of Tarte Flambee. It is a flatbread topped with sour cream and onions, potatoes, bacon or cheese. We decided to try a combination of thin potato slices, onions and cheese.

My boyfriend look a little bit unhappy when I told that I would like to top the Dinnete with potato slices, but the taste of the baked Dinnete won him over.

This is a recipe we will bake again!

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May 6th, 2010

Spelt Baguettes


Ketex posted last weekend a recipe for Baguettes with Bean flour. Searching the internet I learned that in french baguettes 2% of Bean flour are allowed.

Bean flower contains a lot of lecithin which improves the structure of the dough, let the bread rise higher and makes a crispy crust. But I thought that it was to expensive to order a packet bean flower for 7 Euro just for a little bit playing around with dough. So started thinking. I had some dry azuki beans in the pantry and the manual of my mill claimed that it can also crack corn (I never tried it). But who can crack corn can also brake beans. And so I throw a handful beans in the mill and get out a nice fine flour. I would not recommend to try it with a mill with stone mill stone but with my mill constructed from steel it was no problem.

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April 11th, 2010


Mohnkranz Mohnkuchen wird im Moment viel gebacken. Chaosqueen hat Schmandkuchen mit Mohn gebacken, bei Fool for Food und Zorra von 1x umrühren bitte gab es Mohnzopf zu Ostern. Und auch ich reihe mich die Reihe der Mohnkuchen-Bäcker ein, denn meine Mama hat sich zu ihrem Geburtstag Mohnkuchen gewünscht. Und da sie weder Laktose noch Fruktose verträgt, musste ich mein Rezept etwas abändern. Fruktosefrei zu backen ist unmöglich, aber Fruktosearm geht. Daher wurde ein Teil des Zucker durch Traubenzucker (Glukose) ersetzt. Der Teig ist der gleiche wie der für die laktosefrei Challah, die Füllung habe ich ganz leicht an das Rezept aus “Handbuch des täglichen Backens” angelehnt(ganz leicht heißt: keine Milch, keine M

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April 3rd, 2010


OsterhäschenIn March I had to work a lot. There were many things I had to do in Lab and there was a Talk I had to prepare for a meeting. Coming back from this meeting last week I feel a little bit dizzy. This dizziness was the first sign of a bad viral infection I catch. So I stay in bed most of the week, sleeping or watching TV. I did not cook or bake and I was even to tiered to bring the blog up to date.

But now I am feeling better again. I sound still like Darth Vader (Anyone want to guess what I was watching the last days?) but when I do things slowly I feel fit enough to bake little Easter bunnies for Sunday. Some are for our breakfast but most of them are small Easter presents for family and friends.

To bake buns shaped as Easter bunnies is a family tradition and for me as essential for Easter as Easter eggs! Continue reading

March 28th, 2010


canelsnurrer (2)Die Schneckenplage geht weiter! Nach den leckeren Kakaoschnecken gab es bei Küchenlatein inzwischen Zimtschnecken in drei Varianten. Die verschlungen Canelsnurrer fand ich besonders schön. Und als ich bei Pain de Martin ein sehr ähnliches Rezept sah, bekam ich den Gedanken an diese Zimtwirbel nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Gestört hat mich allerdings bei beiden Rezepten die für meine Geschmack zu hohe Hefemenge. Also habe ich ein wenig gebastelt, und meine eigene Variante entworfen.

Damit die Hefe Trieb entwickeln kann, ohne von der hohen Zucker- und Buttermenge gestört zu werden, habe ich den Poolish, Mehl, Wasser und Hefe gemischt und ca 35 min gehen lassen, bevor die restlichen Zutaten hinzugefügt werden. Zucker und Butter werden erst gegen Ende der Glutenentwicklung hinzugefügt, da diese die Glutenentwicklung beeinträchtigen. Continue reading

March 12th, 2010

Cacao rolls – Kakaós csigák

Kakaoschnecken (4)They are baked in so many german Food-Blogs at the Moment : Anikós cacao rolls. It took me a while to jump on this bandwagon because I have a lot of work in lab but last weekend I managed somehow to bake them. And I can just repeat that everyone said before: They are divine. Fluffy with the taste of semisweet chocolate, just what you need when you come home after working most of Sunday in lab.

I changed the recipe a little bit (Am I always writing this sentence? I fear that I do this.) The biggest change is that I double the sugar amount in the dough because Zorras mentioned in her post that the rolls are not sweet enough. Then I used a pâte fermentée, but I am sure that the recipe will work without it, too. And then I add a little bit of cardamom into the filling, like Hedonistin did. Continue reading

February 25th, 2010

Sacaduros – BBD #27

SacadurosBread Baking Day # 27 was a real challenge for me. Gretchen Noelle from canela and comino choosed Pan Latino – Latin Bread as theme. The spanish word pan reminded me that I only remember spanish food terms and no other word from my Spanish lessons. I did not change a lot since my school days, didn’t I? Always fascinated by food. 😀

But poor language knowledge is no excuse since Goggle Translator. Goggle Translator worked very good for me when translating the recipe for Ceriolas.  But before checking the world wide web I take a look in my cookbooks. But I did only find one latin bread recipe, conchas. This are sweet rolls with a cookie dough topping. But I was whishing for something not so sweet. And then I remembered that Petra from  Chili und Ciabatta post some latin recipes. So I looked through the recipes I bookmarked from her page and found something I want to try for ages: Sacaduros. Continue reading

February 15th, 2010


DSC_1619I like carnival only in very small doses. Because I am working in one of the strongholds of carnival in Rhineland and because I am living in a small town that is as “jeck”  as cologne its impossible for me to avoid carnival and all the drunken people. Drunkard are the most annoying part of carnival for me.  But carnival has a delicious side, too. There are all the baked goodies you can get at this time of the year. I like Berliner, a kind of jelly filled donut, very much. According to Bäcker Süpke there are two possibilities to get delicious Berliner for Rosenmontag: To buy them in the best bakery around or to bake them by yourself. Continue reading

February 14th, 2010

Pain de Mie


Normally I bake whole grain breads but for Breakfast on Sunday we like sometimes a lighter Bread. So I bake Pain de Mie from “Advanced bread and pastry” from Michael Suas. Its a delicious white bread, which makes a good toast, too. And when you increase the sugar amount and degrease the amount of salt you get a very nice sweet bread, too.

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