Tag Archives: only with yeast

October 22nd, 2009

Multigrain Bread with soaked oat grains

Dreikornbrot (2)

The last breads I bake had all a nicely soft crumb but for the next bread I longed for something hearty. So I wake my sourdough and bake a bread with wheat flour, spelt flour and oat grains.  I soaked the oat grains overnight so they get soft but not to soft.

The bread had nice very nice taste, but I overproof it a little bit, so it loose its form a little bit. It does not have an influence on the taste but I am a little bit disapoint because it looks not so nice. Continue reading

October 16th, 2009

Joghurt-Honig-Vollkornbrot mit Pâte fermentée

Joghurt-Honig Brot mit VorteigZorra von 1x umrühren bitte hat zum 4ten Mal zur Teilnahme am World Bread Day aufgerufen. Dem komme ich natürlich nur zu gerne nach. Jeder, der am 16.10.09 ein Brot bäckt und verbloggt oder auch über ein gekauftes Brot einen Post schreibt, kann daran teilnehmen. Man muß nur bis zum 17.10. seinen Beitrag über das Formula auf Zorras Seite anmelden.

Mein Brot für den World Bread Day ist im Grunde kein neues Rezept. In ähnlicher Form habe ich es hier mit Buttermilch und hier mit Joghurt gebacken. Aber diese Variante mit Pâte fermentée gefällt mir am Besten. Es ist so wunderbar locker geworden, dass man nie denken würde, dass es sich hierbei um ein Vollkornbrot handelt! Durch den etwas höheren Buttergehalt eignet es sich auch sehr gut als Toastbrot, doch ich esse es lieber ungetoastet entweder zum Frühstück mit Honig oder mit Salat und Käse als Sandwich. Continue reading

October 6th, 2009

Pumpkin Bread

KürbisbrotAutumn means to me: red leaves, apple scent and orange pumpkins. So what is a better bread for autumn then a pumpkin bread?

The basis for this bread was a recipe for simple bread with poolish, I just replace the water with pumpkin puree. My pumpkin puree contains some water, so I get a soft dough and did not need do add some water.

The bread turned out nice, with a nice orange crumb and a slight taste of pumpkin. But the next time I would add some pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil to enhance the flavor. Continue reading

September 25th, 2009

Whole wheat potato bread

Kartoffel-Vollkornbrot I am back from my holidays and I am back in the chaos. The lab I am working in is moving into a new building and after two years of postponeing the university preponed it now. So instead of having a whole week to pack my stuff in lab only the weekend was left. When we came back I go dirctly to the lab. I was so relived that I sorted everything in advance!

The moving itself was very exhausting and I was to tired to write something in my blog or even to read other blogs. But the main part is now done and today I have a day off because we have a security inspection. We Ph.d. students should stay away because the less persons are around the less mistakes can be done (like entering a lab without labcoat).

So I have time for answering comments, reading other blogs, writing new posts and enjoying Susans weekly Yeastspotting. Of course I bake a little bit, too. A soft whole wheat potato bread! Continue reading

September 10th, 2009

Almond Cinnamon Swirl Bread

Mandel Zimt BrotSince last BBD I have a lot sweet breads on my toDo list. Especially raisin cinnamon breads are on top of the list. But raisins are a minor problem here. My boyfrind is sure that raisins are murdered grapes. He always tells me that it is better to eat them fresh. 🙂

So I decided to replace raisins with almonds. The recipe was inspiered by Steve and Sara.

The Bread taste so good! And when I toast it the whole kitchen is filled with cinnamon fragrance. Continue reading

September 4th, 2009

Kaiser rolls with Pâte fermentée

KaiserbrötchenMy family loves baking, and Sarah, the best friend of my little sister, loves it, too. So our last Mother-Children-Friends-Day had a motto: Bread baking. We bake pretzels and Kaiser rolls. Baking in a group is so much fun!

I found a recipe for Kaiser rolls some time ago at chefkoch.de, and bake and blog about it, but I was never really satisfied with the taste. I missed the complex flavors that the diffrent types of preferments give to a bread.

So I create my own recipe for Kaiser rolls: with pâte fermentée, less yeast and more time. And that improves the flavor so much! Continue reading

August 31st, 2009

Seeded Mini-Batards

KornstangeSometimes I create a recipe while checking the leftovers in my fridge. This time I found some buttermilk, I had use in very near future. So I thought: well, I have a poolish ready to bake, so why do not make some bread with buttermilk and honey and maybe some whole wheat.

I wrote down the recipe befor I started baking, so I don’t forget what I did and so I can share my recipe for seeded mini-batards.

They are like a good whole wheat roll should be,having a soft crump under a crispy thin crust, covered with flaxseeds, poppy seeds and sesame. Continue reading

August 17th, 2009

BBD#23: Pretzels

BretzelnNick of IMAfoodblog choosed a simple – but also difficult- theme for Bread Baking Day : “Something You’ve Never Made Before.” It is a simple theme because there are a lot of recipes I altways want to try – the difficult part was to pick one recipe.

After some musing I decided to try pretzels. Real pretzels made with real caustic lye of soda like the pretzels my grandparents always brought after visiting relatives in swabia. This pretzels are my standard with which I compare every pretzel.

I do some Internet research for a recipe, but at the end I decided to use the recipe in Michael Suas “Advanced Bread and Pastry”. The recipe use poolish, what it is not original for sure, but none of the recipes in the book I tried untill now failed. The only thing I miss in the recipe was how long I should place the pretzels in the lye. Continue reading

August 16th, 2009

Baking course for Katrin: Part 1 – simple Rolls

BrötchenBread baking is something very infectious. After reading my blog for some time my little sister started to bake bread, too.

But then she send me following email:

“After kneading 8 min, my cheap mixer starts making weird sounds. I fear it will explode! I am just want to tell you that I am afraid of explosions!”

And as a loving sister I did not want to risk her life by exlpoding mxers! So here a recipe you can knead easyly knead by hand (I tested it) and that do not need special baking equiments. Continue reading

August 11th, 2009

Gaufres de Liège

Lütticher Waffel

Is there anything more delicious then waffles to a cup of coffee? Normaly I bake “Bergische Waffeln”, a round waffle consisting of five hearts which is very common here. But this time I thought about doing a dough with yeast and so I decided to bake Gaufres de Liège. They contain pearlsugar which caramalise during baking. We ate them once in belgium and they are so delicious.

For the dough you need a coarse pearl sugar, but this is not avialable in germany. But there were some sugar cubes from the streuselbatz I bake for Bread baking day left,  so I used them instead. The recipe I found asked for a huge amount of yeast, something I do not like. So I decrease the amount of yeast but allow the dough to rest longer instead and decrease the sugar amount, too.

Baking was very easy and they taste as good as I remeber! Continue reading