Tag Archives: Vanilla

June 8th, 2011

Wedding cake for my little Sister


My little sister married end of april. And to my great joy she asked me if I would bake the wedding cake.

After talking a little bit with her and my (then still future) brother in law we decided that I bake a three tired wedding cake consisting of a raspberry white chocolate torte (28 cm diameter), a Sachertorte (24 cm diameter) and a lactoste free vanilla cream torte (18 cm diameter).

I calculated that I would need two days to make the cake: one for baking the raspberry white chocolate torte and the vanilla cream torte and one for decoration. Our Mum baked the Sachertorte after the recipe of Oma Bucholtz (fund at Schnuppschüss) 10 days before the wedding because this cake needs a long rest before serving.

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May 28th, 2011


MadeleineMarcel Proust connected the taste of Madeleines with memories of his childhood, as he described in “Remembrance of things past”. I do not have any associatations of the taste of Madeleins with memories of my days as a child because the first time I ate a madeleine is only some weeks ago when I used my new madeleine pan for the first time.

But it was love on the first bite. They are a little bit crisp when they are fresh from the oven with a spongy crumb.

Their taste a little bit eggy and my sister told me that their taste reminds her at the egg cookies we ate when we were children (and there he is, the “Proust moment”). My recipe is fructose reduced and lactose free because I used rice malt syrup and Margarine. Of course you can replace the margarine with butter and the syrup with a mild creamy honey like spring flower honey or fruit flower honey when you don`t have to think about such restrictions.

I made the madeleine at the moment often, they are so delicious, beautiful and so easy and fast to bake!

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April 22nd, 2011

Pani di cena

pani di cenaThis week Petra baked a delicious looking Sicilian Easter buns: Pani di cena. It is a bread that is traditionally baked on Good Friday and which is often glazed with icing and topped with sugar sprinkels. I fell in love with this buns directly and decided to serve them for breakfast on Good Friday.

I changed the recipe a little bit depending on my personal habits – I used the pulp of a vanilla bean instead of vanilla extract and because of the high amount of sugar and butter I decided to add them at the end of kneading, so they couldn’t interfere with the gluten development. After forming the buns I placed them in the fridge, but they didn’t rise so much here because the butter in the dough get stiff in the cold.

The next morning I preheat the oven to 30°C and let the buns rise there for 1 hour, in this time they doubled their volume!

During baking the smell of the buns was seductively: a scent of butter and vanilla filled the kitchen. And tasting them after they cooled down proofed that their scent did not promise to much.  A very rich sweet bread, that reminds me of brioche, incredible soft, buttery and luxurious. Continue reading

April 9th, 2011


BienenstichSome weeks ago I promised my sisters fiancée to bake some Bienenstich (Bee sting) when we meet to drink coffee in their new house. But then I was busy in the lab and so I bake fast and easy nut triangles instead. The next time we planned to meet for cake and coffee I was ill and bake nothing at all. But when I was thinking about what to bake for my mums birthday last week the promised Bienenstich seemed to be perfect.

Bienenstich is a traditional german yeast cake topped with a crunchy almond layer and filled with a  vanilla pastry cream

Because I like the taste that Pâte fermentée adds to a sweet yeasted dough I decided to vary my old recipe. And because my kitchen machine does not work so nice with small amounts of dough (everything less then 500g flour ) I decided to knead the dough completely by hand. That was a little bit difficult because the dough is very soft and tend to stick to hands and counter. But it is good to resist the temptation of adding more flour because the softness of the dough will result in a fluffy and soft cake. Continue reading

January 29th, 2011

Vanilla buns

Vanille-KugelnIn the bakeries of Schmitz & Nittenwilm in cologne you can buy a delicious pastry filled with Vanilla cream. This “Vanillestange” are our most favourite pastry. The Bakery sells other good pastry, too but “Vanillestangen” are our Idea of a perfect pastry. The combination of a fluffy bun filled with  creamy vanilla cream and toped with a thick layer of powdered sugar creates a irresistible pastry. And so you can imaging the shock of my colleagues when we learnt last year that they don’t sell them during summer. Three month without “Vanillestangen”   that is a very hard fate.

When I filled through my new Cookbook the german Version of A piece of cake I found a recipe for vanilla rolls. The vanilla rolls sounded like a smaller version of the beloved “Vanillestangen” so I bookmarked the recipe to try it soon.

But when I planned to bake them some weeks later I reread the recipe and realised that there are some points I don’t like. The dough contains to much yeast and not enough liquid and for this pastry I do not like cardamom ´in the dough, either. And the vanilla cream was in my eyes overloaded with egg yolks.  So I decided to use one of my tried and trusted recipes for the dough and my favourite vanilla cream recipe.

The resulting vanilla buns share just the Idea how they are assembled with the version found in the book the rest is my interpretation. And I like my way because the vanilla buns a great: Gorgeous vanilla cream filled in little buns – this is a worthy alternative for “Vanillestangen”

Vanilla buns


  • 0,5g yeast
  • 125g Milk
  • 125g water
  • 250g flour Type 550


  • 10g yeast
  • 25g water
  • 250g flour Type 550
  • 100g sugar
  • 100g butter
  • 4g salt


  • 40g melted Butter
  • 50g sugar

Vanilla Cream:

  • 2 tsp. Agartine
  • 200g milk
  • 15g starch
  • 2 yolks
  • 20g butter (room temperature)
  • 1 pinche Salt
  • Pulp of a vanilla bean
  • 30g Water
  • 30g sugar
  • 70g Glucose (The glucose can be replace with normal sugar)
  • 2 egg white

Mix water, flour and yeast for the poolish and ferment it overnight (12 to 16 hours).

The next morning: Mix poolish, water flour and yeast for about 3 min at low speed, then let it rest for about 30 – 40 min. Then knead for 6 min on high speed until medium gluten development.

Now add the sugar spoon by spoon, always knead in between until the sugar is incooperated, then add the next spoon full sugar. Then add the butter, again in small portions.

Rest the dough 1 hour on room temperature.

Divide the dough into pieces of 40g each and form into balls.

Poof on a paper lined baking sheet for one hour.

Bake at 200°C for 12-15 min.

Directly after baking glaze the small buns with some melted butter and cover them with sugar. Let cool on a wired rack.

For the Vanilla Cream boil Milk with agar, salt, vanilla bean pulp and sugar. Mix egg yolks with starch and stir this into the boiling milk. Boil the mixture for around 2 min, stiring constantly,  then remove it from the heat, add the butter and stir until it is mixed completely. Pour the cream into a bowl and cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent skin forming. Cool down to 40°C

Now boil sugar, glucose and water until its reach 121°C.  In the meantime whipping the egg white. When the sugar syrup reach the temperature, slowly pour it into the egg white while whipping. Keep whipping until it cool down to 40°C.

Now fold it into the custard and fill the cream to a piping bag with a a long thin tip. Fill each bun with vanilla cream.

I send this recipe to Yeastspotting, Susan’s weekly showcase of yeast baked goods.

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November 13th, 2010



It is time to use up the last apples of this years apple harvest. Now the remaining apples are at the end of their shelf live, so they start to shrivel now.

I saw apple turnovers at Chili und Ciabatta some days ago and I like the idea to bake some turnovers. But I love turnovers which dough is mellow and flaky. So I decided to use a variaton of the dough of this mushroom quiche. I added some sugar to the dough and reduced the amount of salt, so it fits to a fruit filling.

The filling is a simple one: some Vanilla, sugar and apples, bound with a teaspoon starch.

The turnovers are delicous, the dough is like I liked them and stay fresh at least for two days. It is the dessert for my lunch at work. Continue reading

November 7th, 2010

Christstollen – delicious and moist


Christmas seems to be still far far away. You could buy Spektulatius and Lebkuchen in the supermarket since months but I ignore this fact since month, too. For me it is still autumn!

But then I realize that in three (!) weeks we have the first Sunday in Advent and that I have to bake christstollen right now if I plan to serve a christstollen infused with all the flavours that only three or four weeks of storing can create.

And so I bake again the same recipe like last year – the one I invented for a super moist stollen. The Taste of it is great: some vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom and mace fused with raisins and candid orangepeel and citron peel. Make sure to buy the best ingredients you get, the quality of the ingredients affect the quality of the stollen!

For the recipe, please look at my last years post here.

September 5th, 2010

Vanilla Cardamom Fans

Vanille Kardamon FächerLast Sunday we visit my sister in the new house. Because “it’s always good to have some pastry during renovation” (that’s what my sister told me early on the phone) I decided to bring something sweet.

I was longing for something fluffy yeasted pastry. So I thought first of my favourite braid filled with nuts. But then I remembered that my parents would join us, too and my mum suffers of lactose and fructose intolerance. So the braid was out of question, we need something without milk and nuts.

So I started to think: What happened when I just leave out the nuts? Then I would end up with dried breadcrumbs as filling. Hmmm. Bread crumb as filling sounded a little bit strange. But on the other hand we eat noodles with sugar and bread crumbs as children, and we liked it. So I give the idea a try and the filling worked out just fine.

Seasoned with Cardamom and Vanilla nobody missed the nuts. And its a good way to used up dried breadcrumbs. Continue reading

August 23rd, 2010

Confiture de lait

Confiture de lait (1)

Its now about two weeks that I posted the last time. The last weeks were extremly busy so that I had no time for trying new recipes. I bake only recipe that are tried and tested.  But if you are looking for something you can top on your bread I can strongly recommend Confiture de Lait. The inspiration for my recipe I found here, here und here .

The confiture de lait is a caramel spread similar to dulce de leche. But while all recipes I found for dulce de leche asked for sweet canned evaporated milk confiture de lait is make with “real” milk. I do not like evaporated milk, so I preferred this recipe. And I love the fact that the confiture contains vanilla seeds and sea salt. That adds a delicious taste to the spread.

And it is not a difficult to prepare. You need milk, sugar, a vanilla pod, some salt and time. I needed about one hour and I think that if you increase the amount of ingredients you have to increase the time for cooking, too.

At the end of the cooking time you have to keep an eye on the confiture de lait because now it will become dark very quickly. I like it most when the spread is still light brown because then the caramel flavour is not so strong and harmonize very good with the vanilla.

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September 15th, 2009

cream puffs


I do not like frozen cream puffs that you can buy in all supermarkets. They are too sweet and the dough is to soft after defrosting. So I decided today, that I would like to create my own cream puffs . The recipe for  Pâte à Choux is from Michael Suas “Advanced Bread and Pastry”, the filling is the same like the filling of Brioche tropezienne.

The size is the same as from the frozen mini cream puffs. They are perfect snacks with a cup of coffee. Continue reading