If you would have asked me one week ago what Hugo is, I would probably answered: It is the ghost from the game Mitternachtsparty, one of my favourite board game in my childhood.
But as I learned this week Hugo is a drink, too. It contains sparkling wine, mint leaves, elderflower syrup and limes. To be honest, this would not temp me a lot. But the virgin variation, using sparkling water instead of wine was something I had to try immediately.
I found the recipe at Paules Kitchen, who got it from Nadine of Dreierlei Liebelei. And when I did my first sip, I was directly in love with this drink. A little bit sweet, a little bit sour, with aromatic elderflowers and refreshing mint it is the perfect refreshment for warm and humid summer days.
Virgin Hugo
for 1 Glas
- ice cubes
- 1 Tbs Elderflower syrup
- 1/2 lime (organically grown, if possible)
- 1 small branch Mint
- sparkling water
Place ice cubes, elderflower syrup and mint in a glas. Crush the mint leaves with a drinking straw. Add the lime juice and fill with sparkling water.
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Statt Mineralwasser eignet sich auch bestens Sprite – super lecker, Cheers
@Kevin Franke: Für meinen Geschmack ist das nichts, mir ist Sprite zu süß und erschlägt ausserdem das feine Holunderblütenaroma
Super. Danke für das Rezept 😀
@Katrin: Gern geschehen. Und nochmals danke für den leckeren Sirup 🙂