The last month was a quite busy one and I was not so much at home. Time for blogging was rare and time for reading other blogs or leaving comments was even rarer. And so I enjoyed it very much to read all your post last weekend. I was so happy that so many people baked something for our virtual breakfast! I tried to leave a comment on every page, I hope you get them all because everyone did such a great job!
So please take a seat on our virtual table. Do you want a cup of coffee, or tea or a cappucchino? Or better some juice or water? Here we have honey (from granddad), homemade jams and jellies, some chocolate spread, quark and cheese. Does anyone would like a boiled egg? Or scrambled eggs? For bread, please help yourself from this stunning selection:
Tanja von “Greenway36” Milchbrötchen-Muffins |
Ina-Christin von “Brotzeitliebe” |
Liane/ Chorus / das Mehlkäferchen von “Die Mehlkäfer”
Pain Viennois |
Eva von “Kochpoetin” |
Britta von „Brot vom Niederrhein“ Weckmann (auch in der Version fructosearm, kuhmilchfrei, eifrei) |
Karin von “Brot & Meer” |
Cheriechen von “Boulancheriechen” Conchas mit Zimtduft |
Arvydas von “miltu debesys” Bread with the old bread crumbs
Marion von “m hoch drei”
Konstanze von “Scheckenlaks”
Elke von “Sin die Weck weg” Kartoffelhörnchen |
Kastanienbrot |
Ulrike von “Küchenlatein” |
Susanne von “Magentrazerl” |
Susanna von “Mehlstaub und Ofenduft” Pao de deus |
Micha von “Grain de Sel” |
Ninive von “ninive loves life “ |
Doreen von “Kochen und Backen im Wohnmobil” |
Björn von “Der Brotdoc” Käse-Kürbisbrötchen |
Und von mir gibt es natürlich auch etwas: |
Geri von “Lecker mit Geri” Pamuk Pogaca |
And who won the book? I gave every entry a number according to the time the entry arrived here (this is the same order I used for the roundup). One of you already has her own copy and asked to be excluded from the drawing. Between the other 19 I let decided: It is Number 2, which is Ina-Christin from Brotzeitliebe! Congratulations!
Wow, das ist wirklich eine beachtliche Sammlung zusammen gekommen! Und, ja, ich hätte gern ein wachsweiches Ei. 😉
Liebe Grüße,